
Come worship with us Sunday

  • 8:30   AM  Security Team 
  • 9:30   AM  Sunday School (small groups)
  • 10:30 AM  Worship Service, Children's Church and Nursery

Sunday Oct. 6th   :  This is What Believers do - Be Faithful to the Lord! - Hebrews 3:7-19

Pastor: Paul Brasher
Minister of Music: Johnny Kilgore
"iGnite" Youth Minister: Derek King
"Spark" Children's Ministry: Beth Martin

3-4 year old
K-1st Grade
2nd & 3rd Grade
4th & 5th Grade
Youth: 6th -12th Grade
College & Career
Young Married
Mixed Adults
Joyful Workers
Truth Class
Senior Men
Esther Class
T-N-T (Twenties & Thirty's)
Logos Class (40-65 yrs)